Madhya Pradesh Management Entrance Test [MP - MET] is conducted each year by Professional Examination Board (PEB), Bhopal for the admission into various Post Graduate Management programs offered by different colleges in Madhya Pradesh.
Madhya Pradesh MET Eligibility
For admission to MCA 1st semester a candidate should have any degree of minimum 3 years duration of recognised University with any type of Mathematics as one of the subjects at 10+2 level or at graduation.
Madhya Pradesh MET Exam Pattern
The Question paper will contain 200 questions for MET and 100 questions for MCA. Total duration of the test for MET will be of 3 hours and for MCA will be of 02 hours 15 minutes, out of which the first fifteen minutes are allotted for making the entries in the OMR answer sheet and inspecting the question booklet for any printing for other errors etc.