The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) directs the class 12th Board Exams every year in February for all the streams such as Commerce, Science and Arts. It is an authorized organization that was formed under the Bihar School Examination Act of 1952.
For the academic year 2024-25, students will be able to register online. To register for the BSEB 12th Board exams, students can visit the official site, The table presented below shows the highlights of BSEB class 12th registration 2024. For more information, students are advised to check the table below:
Name of the Exam
Bihar Board Intermediate Exam 2024
Conducting Body
Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB)
Mode of Registration
Registration Dates
August – November, 2024
Official Website
BSEB 12th Registration Fees 2025
The table shown below consists of the BSEB registration fees for the academic year 2024-25. The registration fees depend on the different student categories and they differ accordingly. To know more, students can check the table below:
Exam Fees
Regular Students
Rs. 1400
Improvement/Qualify Exam
Rs. 1700
Vocational Course
Rs. 1800
Vocational Improvement/Qualify Exam
Rs. 2100
Late Fees
Rs. 150
BSEB 12th Registration: Details Required
The following table shows the details that are required to register for the BSEB 12th registrations. If a student is unable to provide any of the following details present in the table below, then he/she may not be able to register for the upcoming BSEB Board exams. For detailed information, the students can check the following table:
Select the option for candidature i.e. Regular or Private
School Code
Enter your respective school code
Name of the Candidate
Name shall be entered in Block Letters only
Name of Parents/Guardian
Enter the name of parents/guardian in both English and Hindi language
Date of Birth
Enter the date of birth of the candidate
Enter the category details and fill the caste certificate number (if applicable)
Physically Handicapped (PH)
If a candidate is physically challenged, then he/she needs to mark the option as Yes/No
Select the religion to which the candidate belongs to
Email Id & Mobile Number
Enter a valid mobile number & email ID, which will be used for future communication
Communication Address
Needs to write their correspondence address or permanent address (with proof)
Identification Marks
Minimum two identification marks visible in the body shall be entered
Subject Details
Select the main subjects from the available option
Signatures of Parents & Candidate
Parents need to provide a scanned copy of their signature
Photograph and Signature of the candidate
Recent passport-size photographs of the candidate shall be uploaded. The dimensions should be '4.5 cm * 3.5 cm', with a signature clearly visible.
Bihar SSC Syllabus: Exam Pattern & Important DatesThe Bihar SSC has released the notification pdf for 12199 BSSC Inter Level Posts. Read the complete Bihar SSC syllabus for 2024, including detailed exam patterns, subject-wise topics, and preparation tips to help you excel in your Bihar SSC exams.By - IshikaRead More