Home Articles Programs with Python: Python Examples, Why to Learn, Application of Programs, and Top Recruiting Python Developers

Programs with Python: Python Examples, Why to Learn, Application of Programs, and Top Recruiting Python Developers


Sudeep Singh
Sudeep Singh

Programs With Python Overview

Programs with Python have always been the Developers' first-choice programming language since its inception. With the flexibility and ease of use it offers, Python has made its name in the IT sector. The Python programming language, created in 1989, was seen as a "gap-filler"—a technique to quickly prototype programs that will be realized in other languages. It has become one of the most widely used languages in the IT industry because of its comprehensible syntax and wide range of features.

What is Python Language?

Python is an interpreted high-level programming languagedeveloped in 1989, that prioritizes code clarity and ease of use. Its origin is traced back to the late 1980s. This programming language was founded by Guido van Rossum, a Netherlands computer scientist who set out to respond to the limitations of existing programming languages. The vision to create a language that prioritizes readability, ease of use, and the ability to speak more complicated ideas with less code was the driving force behind Python's creation. Although ABC was intended to be a language for beginners, its adoption was hampered by certain issues. Guido set out to overcome these constraints and design a language that integrated the most advantageous aspects of already-existing languages while doing away with their intricacies.

Current Significance of Programs with Python

Programs with Python have always attracted not only beginners but also professionals because of their simplicity. However, in today’s time, it has expanded its reach in other sectors too. Currently, It is being used in various sectors such as Big data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and many more. Being used by almost every big tech-giant organization like Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, etc. It has broadened its application in many sectors apart from just programming languages. Some of the applications of Python programming languages, due to its huge collection of standard libraries, can be seen in-

  1. Machine Learning
  2. GUI Applications
  3. Image processing (like OpenCV, Pillow)
  4. Web scraping (like Scrapy, BeautifulSoup, and Selenium)
  5. Test frameworks
  6. Multimedia
  7. Scientific computing
  8. Web frameworks like Django

What is Programming with Python?

Python allows Object-Oriented and Procedural paradigms programming. It allows you to write command-line and cross-platform GUI apps and distribute them as self-contained executables. Although it cannot produce a standalone binary from a script, third-party packages can be used to do so. Unlike some other programming languages, which may look confusing to beginners, Python's syntax is like normal language, making it approachable even to individuals who are new to coding. Its straightforward language framework has made it understandable and easy to write on it. Python is an open-source programming language. Code reliability and maintainability are important while programming in Python. This helps the developers to understand the code even if it was written by some other developer.

Programs with Python: Basic Syntax

Programs with Python are easy and do not require semicolons and braces while writing code on it. However, it uses indentation, which is the white space added in the statement when needed, to define a block of code. Unlike other programming languages, where a statement ends with a semicolon, Python uses a Newline character. Anyways, programming with Python requires some focus while writing any code. Being a case-sensitive language, it treats uppercase and lowercase differently unlike JAVA. Python performs a given function by using a set of keywords such as ‘if’‘while’‘otherwise’, etc. Such terms are not permitted to be utilized as variables. When these keywords are utilized in writing code outside of their actual or logical requirements, the interpreter rejects the program. These keywords are embedded with specific jobs to execute. The following are some of the examples-

def ():

     print (“hello world”)

     if condition:

          statement 1


          statement 2


This is an example of Python's usage of Newlines to end a statement instead of using semicolons and braces. However, the interpreter understands the program differently.

For example,

Code Block 1 Begins

     Code Block 1 Continues

     Code Block 2 Begins

          Code Block 3 Begins

     Code Block 2 Continues

          Code Block 3 Continues

Code Block 1 Continues

Examples of Python Programs

Python has one of the most straightforward syntaxes when compared to other languages, necessitating fewer lines of code to complete a given task. As a result, learning the fundamentals and understanding the language in a shorter amount of time is made easy. These programs provide illustrative case studies, demonstrating Python's applicability to a range of applications and contexts, which are as follows- 

Basic Programming with Python

Python Program to print “Hello, World!”

print("Hello, World!")

Python Program to build “Calculator”

num1 = float(input("Enter the first number: "))

num2 = float(input("Enter the second number: "))

operator = input("Enter an operator (+, -, *, /): ")

if operator == "+":

    result = num1 + num2

elif operator == "-":

    result = num1 - num2

elif operator == "*":

    result = num1 * num2

elif operator == "/":

    result = num1 / num2


    result = "Invalid operator"

print("Result:", result)

A simple calculator program that takes two numbers and an operator as input and performs the corresponding arithmetic operation.

Python Program for Fibonacci Series

def fibonacci(n):

    if n <= 0:

        return []

    elif n == 1:

        return [0]

    elif n == 2:

        return [0, 1]

    fib_series = [0, 1]

    for i in range(2, n):

        next_fib = fib_series[i - 1] + fib_series[i - 2]


    return fib_series

n = int(input("Enter the number of Fibonacci terms: "))

print("Fibonacci Series:", Fibonacci (n))

A program that generates the Fibonacci series up to a given number of terms. Fibonacci series is a set of infinite numbers, starting with 0 and 1, in which the current number is the sum of two numbers preceding it. For example-

1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55, etc.







13+8=21 etc.  

To-Do List

tasks = []

def add_task(task):


    print("Task added:", task)

def show_tasks():

    print("To-Do List:")

    for index, task in enumerate(tasks, start=1):

        print(f"{index}. {task}")

while True:


    print("1. Add Task")

    print("2. Show Tasks")

    print("3. Quit")

    choice = input("Enter your choice: ") 

    if choice == "1":

        new_task = input("Enter the task: ")


    elif choice == "2":


    elif choice == "3":




        print("Invalid choice. Please choose again.")

A simple command-line to-do list application that allows users to add tasks and view their tasks.

Web Scraping

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = "https://www.example.com"

response = requests.get(URL)

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")

title = soup. title.text

print("Title:", title)

A program that uses the requests library and BeautifulSoup to perform web scraping, extracting the title of a webpage.

Core Features of Programs with Python

Python has various core features encapsulated in its code and can be accessed when needed, which are as followed-

Automatic Memory Management

One of the most extensive and important features of Python is its Automatic Memory Management. Let’s understand it thoroughly. As we know, everything in Python is an object. These objects are allocated with memory and deallocated when not in use. However, in other languages, these tasks are performed manually and the developers have to do it themselves. But in Python, it is automated and thus reduces the chances of memory-related errors.

Dynamic Typing

In various other programming languages, for example, JAVA, the data types are assigned to variables during the compilation of the program. Whereas, in Python, variables are not bound to any specific datatype when declared. The value of the variable is assigned dynamically during runtime. Thus making it easier for the programmer and does not require to declare variables before using them in the code.

Ease Of Use and Readability

Being an “English-Like language” of Python Programming makes it easier for developers especially for beginners to understand the code easily. The platform offers a clean and consistent code-writing experience which makes it easy to understandable. However, on the other hand, the readability it provides helps reduce the learning curve of the starters. It also results in the enhancement of collaborations among the developers.

Extensive Standard Library

Python's extensive standard library contains about 200 core modules or various tasks. The pre-built functions and modules can be utilized by developers whether pro or beginner. It is one of the most important features of Python, without it, the developers can’t have access to its functionality.

High-Level Data Structures

Python has 4 non- primitive inbuilt data structures named lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. It allows its users to have full control over the functionality as it allows them to create their data structures. These data structures are designed to withstand the program's complex data arrangements and operations efficiently.

Interpreted Language

Python is an interpreted language, programs written in it are first translated into bytecode and then run by its virtual machine. The code is simply executed line by line without the requirement for compilation. This leads to shorter development cycles, which makes it easier for developers to see the outcome right away. The ability for the same code to run across other platforms makes cross-platform programming simpler as well.

Why Learn Programs with Python?

The following are some of the steps to learn about Programs with Python-

Career Opportunities

Learning “Programs with Python” can boost your career from ground to sky. Its simple and readable language makes it easy for beginners to learn. Due to its application in various sectors and being one of the most recommendable by tech giants, Python offers a vast range of career opportunities. From Web Developer to Big Data Analyst, Python is required everywhere.

English-like Syntax

Till now we have already understood the level of language simplicity of the Python programming language. Its termed an “English-like language”, because it is easier to read and understand than any other programming language. Python’s this feature allows developers to write code with relatively low errors and enhance code maintainability.

Interactive and Rapid Programming

Programs with Python allow one to check the part of coding snippets while writing it and see the result in real time. Its interactive advantage helps in learning it faster and easier.

Simple and Readable

Learning programs with Python can provide you with many options and advantages both professionally and academically. Its easy readability and simplicity make it a great choice for beginners to start their career with programming. Harnessing the benefit of its vast community and extensive libraries, programmers can use this as a resource to solve a wide range of problems.

Vast Community and Resources

Python has a wide range of developers community that helps develop and offer extensive support. Any beginner can rely on it for the issues they may encounter while learning and seek help from Experienced Developers. Apart from its Community, the presence of the library help coders use its resources, tutorials, and forums to seek guidance.


Python’s vast usage and application have made it an industry favorite. The versatility it provides through its simple and English-like syntax makes it even more compelling from Web Development to current trends applications such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Automation, Computation, Mobile Applications, Software Development, and many more.

Application of Programs with Python

The rich libraries, frameworks, and community support of Python make it a flexible option for a range of applications. It's a great language for beginners learning programming because of how easy it is to read and understand. Python keeps up with technological advancements, staying relevant and being widely used across a range of industries. Python's adaptability, readability, and extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks make it useful across a wide range of topics and businesses. Here are a few notable uses for Python software-

Website Development

Frameworks: Dynamic websites and web apps may be created more easily with the help of Python's web frameworks like Django and Flask.

Content Management Systems (CMS): Python powers platforms like WordPress and Plone, allowing for effective content administration.

Analytics and Data Science

  1. Data manipulation: Tools like NumPy and Pandas are used to clean, organize, and analyze data.
  2. Data visualization: Tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly aid in producing accurate visual representations of data.
  3. Machine learning: Tools for creating machine learning models are provided by libraries like Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.
  4. Data Mining: Python is used in data mining to glean important insights from huge databases.

Scientific Computing

Scientific Libraries: Python's scientific libraries enable calculations in mathematics and the natural sciences. Examples include SciPy, SymPy, and SciKit-Image.

Automation and scripting

System administration: Python programs automate file management, backups, and system tracking processes for easy flow of commands and data.

GUI Applications: Libraries like Tkinter allow developers to create graphical user interfaces for their applications.

Game Development

Pygame: A toolkit for making 2D games that shows how flexible Python is for artistic undertakings.

IoT: "Internet of Things"

Python is used to program microcontrollers such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino for Internet of Things projects.


Penetration Testing: Python programs can be used to detect system vulnerabilities.

Security Tools: Python is utilized to create security tools for network and data analysis.

Top Tech Giants Recruiting Python Developers

Nowadays, almost every tech-giants extensively uses Python throughout its different operations in the company. Among other programming languages, it has made its own space and has emerged as one of the most versatile programming languages. From Web Development to Data Analytics, Machine Learning to Big Data Analytics, it has earned a reputation in every developer's programming Language choice. The following are some of the top tech giants, which one can reach if they just are persistent and updated along with Python-












Learning Programs with Python offer various advantages along with opportunities that can take your career to your desired destination. Its simplicity, flexibility, Ease of Use, and Versatility not only allows developers to perform the task easily but its vast range of community and library provides support too. compared to other programming languages, Making a career out of Python programming can be as advantageous and profitable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do tech giants prefer Python programmers?

Python program’s adaptability and readability make it ideal for a wide range of projects. From web development to Machine Learning, result in their strong demand in various tech-giants.

What qualifications do leading tech businesses seek in Python developers?

Knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and working knowledge of frameworks and libraries like TensorFlow or Django.

Which roles are Python programmers eligible for at leading tech firms?

Backend developer, data scientist, software engineer, automation engineer, and more.

How can I be ready for interviews with IT giants for Python developers?

Study data structures and algorithms, practice solving coding puzzles, and be prepared to demonstrate your projects.

Which tech utilize Python a lot in their work?

Python is used in a wide variety of programs and applications, including- Web applications and websites, Data analysis and visualization tools, Machine learning and artificial intelligence applications, Scientific research and simulations, Automation and

What big programs use Python?

Many large-scale programs and platforms use Python, such as Instagram, Pinterest, Dropbox, Spotify, Reddit, YouTube, NASA, Netflix, Quora, etc.

Which is better Python or C++?

The individual use case and project needs will determine whether Python or C++ should be used. Python is renowned for being straightforward, readable, and simple to use, making it ideal for quick development and a variety of applications. C++ is a more co

Why Java is better than Python?

The situation will determine whether Java is superior to Python. Applications that need robust typing, performance, and platform independence frequently choose Java. Large-scale systems, Android app development, and enterprise software all frequently use

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