Home Articles Enhancing Vocabulary and Grammar for CAT 2024

Enhancing Vocabulary and Grammar for CAT 2024

CAT Exam >


Ridhima Jindal
Ridhima Jindal

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is the most preferred test for aspiring Indian MBA candidates. Thus, a good score in the VARC section will greatly uplift the total score and your percentile. This section tests not only your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar but also your reading ability. 

To excel in this section, you must improve your grammar and vocabulary. This thorough guide includes doable plans to enable you to be ready to ace this section.

Understanding the Importance of Vocabulary and Grammar

Around 24 questions in the VARC section of CAT evaluate your reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. Knowledge of good grammar aids in understanding a question and answering it, while a good vocabulary enables you to grasp complex information quickly. Here are some points that can help you with this

1. Forming a Habit of Reading Daily

One of the most efficient ways in which you will enhance your vocabulary is through habitual reading. Here's how you could include it in your everyday schedule:

Diverse Materials

Read novels, non-fiction, newspapers, and magazines from diverse genres. This exposure will enable you to acquire fresh vocabulary and understand several writing styles. Among the notable sources are The Economist, The New York Times, and literary masterpieces like those by George Orwell or Jane Austen.

Set Reading Goals

Try to read for at least thirty minutes per day. You might also push yourself to summarize chapters or papers, enhancing your understanding and memory of fresh vocabulary. 

Use Contextual Clues

As you read, note new words. Nevertheless, the objective is to guess the meaning of the words first and then look them up in the dictionary. This will save you a lot of time on the examination.

2. Utilizing Vocabulary-Building Techniques

Vocabulary enhancement entails making mindful efforts and should be done with proper emphasis. There are numerous ways to do this:

Word Lists and Flashcards

Use English flashcards by separating meaning from the image diagrams. Add synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and example sentences to them. Apps such as Quizlet let you study on-demand, therefore facilitating this process.

Engage with Vocabulary Tests

Plan frequent vocabulary tests to evaluate your development. Interactive activities and word games abound on websites, including Merriam-Webster and Vocabulary.com.

Learn Roots and Affixes

For one to be able to understand new words, he/she needs to understand the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, and root words. For instance, understanding the bio-root meaning of life would aid a student in understanding most terms like biodegrade.

Practice Synonyms and Antonyms

Discovering lists of synonyms and antonyms can help one better understand the uses of words by appreciating the minute differences in their meaning and use. Knowing that "happy" can equally be used as "joyful" or "elated," for instance, enhances your language.

3. Mastering Grammar Fundamentals

Expression, as much as understanding, depends on strong grammar abilities. This is how you improve your grammar:

Study Grammar Rules

Learn the fundamental grammatical rules—subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, punctuation—by practice. Exercises and insightful analysis can be found online at Grammarly and Purdue OWL.

Practice Writing

Regularly create journal entries, summaries, or essays to apply grammatical rules. This exercise will allow you to strengthen your writing abilities and support your knowledge.

Edit and Revise

Post-writing, always go through your work to check for any grammatical errors that need to be corrected. Note that these errors could be corrected with the help of the Hemingway Editor and ProWritingAid editing tools, which also help improve the quality of work.

Understand Common Errors

Make a list or a file of records of repeated common grammar mistakes, such as wrong use of prepositions or habitual changes in the grammatical tense, and spend time correcting these errors. This will raise your grammar-based question accuracy.

4. Incorporating Practice Questions

You really should become familiar with the exam structure. Practice with past years' CAT papers and sample questions:

Mock Tests

Completing full-length mock tests will simulate the exam environment, increase stamina, and enable proper time management.

Analyze Your Performance

Review your results following every test to find areas needing work. Pay particular attention to the kind of grammar and vocabulary questions that most challenge you.

Use Online Resources

Websites designed especially for CAT preparation offer access to practice questions, simulated tests, and other materials, including CATKing and 2IIM.

5. Engaging with Language Learning Communities

Online forums or study groups can offer encouragement and drive.

Discussion Groups

Talk about this with friends who are also getting ready for CAT. Share lists of words and work on grammar.

Online Platforms

Use Facebook or Reddit groups specifically for CAT preparation. These groups might be quite helpful for trading study materials, tools, and advice.

Tutoring and Mentorship

Join tutoring sessions or ask a mentor for direction. Having someone who has gone through what you are going through helps clear questions and offer personalized comments.

6. Utilizing Educational Resources

Many different instructional materials can be used for CAT preparation, for example-

Books and Guide

Obtain comprehensive books such as “How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma.” These books contain practice questions, activities, and methods for CAT candidates.

Online Courses

Look for websites like Udemy and courses on Coursera that work to improve grammar and a vocabulary-enhancing course.

Podcasts and Webinars

Try to watch educational programs like podcasts or seminars on how to prepare for CAT. Many experts give a thorough review and also provide useful tips.

7. Setting Achievable Goals

By setting up an organized study timetable with clear but calculated goals and aims, Forum will assist in keeping you intact with your goals:

Daily Goals

Choose five words or any specific new words that can be added more new words to the speech daily. Complete the target in two to three days within five months.

Weekly Reviews

Allocate some time weekly to review all or some of the work you have accumulated. This will not only enhance retention and retrieval but also highlight areas that still need improvement.

Accountability Partners

Consider finding someone willing to study with you and complete some tasks together. Frequent check-ins help you stay on target and inspired with your goals.

8. Practicing Writing Under Time Constraints

Under timed situations, writing essays or answers can replicate test pressure:

Timed Writing Exercises

Set a 15 to 30 minute timer and write on a designated theme. Emphasize following grammatical norms and expanding vocabulary.

Peer Review

If at all possible, share your work with your friends and ask them to give comments. There are positive and negative aspects to them.

Focus on Clarity and Conciseness

Focus on the idea and its elaboration along with the given time. This will enable you to present your thoughts properly within the allocated period.


Improving grammar and vocabulary for CAT 2024 requires a committed, multifaceted strategy. Your success in the VARC part will be much better if you include regular reading, interact with several learning resources, and practice often.

Success mostly depends on consistency and a readiness to grow from achievements and failures. You will be on your road to reaching your intended CAT score well if you are determined and use appropriate techniques. 

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