DRDO CEPTAM is the abbreviated form of Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM). This government organization conducts exams annually for recruitment to various positions in their department, such as Administrative Assistant (A), Store Assistant (A), Security Assistant (A), Vehicle Operator (A), Fire Engine Driver (A), Fireman, Junior Translation Officer (JTO), and more. Seeking candidates can apply for these positions through their official application portal present on their website.
What is DRDO?
The Defence Research and Development Organization is India’s top R&D institution that is specifically catered towards promoting advancements in defense technologies. It was founded under the Ministry of Defense, India for the innovation and technological developments of numerous branches of the Indian Armed Forces.
DRDO was established in 1958 with a mission to empower India with advanced defense capabilities, thus ensuring national security and competitiveness. It is composed of a network of laboratories and enterprises with specialized knowledge in several areas of defense technology, including electronics, missile systems, aeronautics, and naval systems.
DRDO also collaborates with international organizations, business partners, and academic institutions to boost innovation and maintain leadership in defense technology.
What is CEPTAM?
The Centre for Personnel Talent Management or CEPTAM serves as the recruitment board of the DRDO. It was founded to streamline the hiring process for various positions in DRDO involving technical, administrative, and support staff at all of their facilities. CEPTAM is thus an essential wing of the DRDO unit.
Purpose of DRDO CEPTAM
- Recruitment: The DRDO CEPTAM handles all the recruitment procedures in the DRDO unit, starting from the applications to the exams. They are responsible for human resources, finance, and administration as well as technicalities like engineering, and science.
- Talent Acquisition: The primary objective of CEPTAM is to ensure that DRDO brings in individuals who possess the necessary abilities, credentials, and potential to make a meaningful contribution to the organization.
- Ensuring Meritocracy: CEPTAM strives to maintain fairness and honesty in the hiring process by using transparent selection procedures. Candidates are thus assessed on various parameters before final selection.
- Facilitating Growth and Innovation: CEPTAM works continuously to bring in growth and innovation for the DRDO unit across India. Their efforts and innovative development techniques contribute to the development of the DRDO.
History and Background
- Establishment of DRDO: 1958
- Objective: Strengthen India’s defense capabilities
- CEPTAM: Recruiting cell of the DRDO unit
- Background: DRDO began with only a few laboratories in fields like electronics, materials science, weaponry, and aeronautics. But today, it has many advanced technological developments that include combat vehicles, powerful radar and missile systems, and latest communication technologies. It has also increased its research capacities over the years.
- Evolution of CEPTAM: CEPTAM was initially introduced to develop a consistent recruitment process inside DRDO. With time, it expanded to include positions for administrative and support professionals in a variety of fields. CEPTAM has also improved its hiring process over the years through unique assessment methods.
DRDO CEPTAM Exam Patterns and Syllabus
Exam Pattern
The pattern of the question paper includes both Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Descriptive Type questions.
Marking Scheme
The marking scheme varies for technical and non-technical positions. Usually, each correct answer carries a certain weightage of marks, but there is also negative marking.
Duration of the Exam
The duration of the exam varies from 1-3 hours depending on the type of exam. A candidate is given enough time to finish their exam.
Exam Syllabus
- The syllabus for the examination is different for the technical and non-technical roles in the organization.
- For the engineering fields (mechanical, electrical, computer science, electronics, and civil engineering) a candidate is evaluated based on specific engineering qualifications.
- For positions in science departments, a candidate must be well-versed in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
- DRDO CEPTAM also has specialized areas such as chemical engineering, instrumentation engineering, metallurgy, and aerospace engineering for which a dedicated syllabus is followed.
- Predominantly, it covers syllabi from the undergraduate and graduate level programs for these positions that emphasize both theoretical and practical applications.
- For a non-technical syllabus, a candidate must know about current events, general knowledge, geography, culture, Indian history, algebra, geometry, data interpretation, and other quantitative aptitudes.
- Additionally, all candidates, whether they are applying for technical or non-technical positions, will have English language skills (like comprehension, vocabulary, grammar) as part of their syllabus.
- The technical syllabus focuses on the developmental programs of the DRDO CEPTAM, while the non-technical syllabus is specifically catered towards fulfilling their administrative and managerial demands.
Importance of the Two Sections of the Syllabus
The syllabus for the technical section is created to evaluate the candidate’s practical applicability knowledge of science and engineering.
The syllabus for the non-technical positions examines the candidate's linguistic fluency, numerical aptitude, reasoning ability, and general awareness.
Career Opportunities and Growth with DRDO
DRDO opens multiple career opportunities for its recruitments in defense research and development, which includes both administrative and technical positions.
It also focuses on the consistent growth of its employees through frequent skill development initiatives and training programs.
The fulfilling roles of DRDO contribute to national security and India’s defense capabilities.