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Ultimate Guide to CAT Exam Preparation: Tips, Strategies, and Resources

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Ultimate Guide to CAT Exam Preparation: Tips, Strategies, and Resources

CAT Preparation: What is CAT Exam?

CAT or Common Admission Test is a national exam conducted every year by IIMs on a rotational basis. It tests the aptitude of graduates who want to pursue management education. Through this exam you will get into IIMs and other top B schools in India.

CAT is the most popular MBA entrance exam in India with over two lakh aspirants every year. So to crack CAT you need a solid preparation plan. In this article we will talk about CAT 2024. Eligibility for CAT Examination is numbered below: 

First Check out the rules and eligibility criteria for CAT exam:

  1. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree with 50% marks.
  2. This exam is only in English.
  3. CAT scores are valid for one year.
  4. CAT has unlimited attempts
  5. Few Indian business schools do not accept CAT scores. For example NMIMS, which is one of the top business schools in India. This B-school has its own entrance exam called NMAT.

CAT Preparation: Exam Preparation Through Coaching

CAT preparation is a long term plan. You have to start preparing for it at least 6 to 9 months in advance. If you are preparing for CAT by self study you have to start even earlier (preferably from March). If you are joining a coaching institute for CAT preparation 2024 you will be guided well by the mentors and coaches. Coaching institute will provide you with all the study material and CAT mock test series, will guide you through tricky topics and questions. But you will have to attend classes for 6 to 8 hours a day.

CAT Preparation: CAT Preparation 2024 By Self

If you are appearing for CAT then follow the below –

  • To prepare for CAT one must know the syllabus and conducting body. That’s the first step towards preparation. For example CAT stands for Common Admission Test and is conducted once a year by IIMs in CBT mode. The exam duration is 120 minutes and 66 questions are asked. The exam is conducted in the English language all over the country. So you must know your syllabus by heart and solve past papers to understand the exam pattern and nature of the exam.
  • After going through the exam pattern, get an idea of the syllabus and collect resources accordingly. Make sure to opt for reliable and certified sources and books to study for the exam. 
  • Buy good books and revise them repeatedly. It’s better to study one book ten times than to study ten books. Next step in CAT preparation is to solve papers at home. Solve past papers to get an idea of the exam then solve mock papers or join test series. You can join any test series that suits you but make sure to join one.
  • Preparing for mock exams is another way to prepare for CAT at home. There are many online practice exams. Take the test to check your level. Also CAT sample exams will help students to improve their skills and get ready for the exam at home.
  • Another important step in CAT preparation is planning. Every human is different so are their situations and learning style; you are different too. So the topper's strategy may not work for you; you must note the key points while preparing and mold them into your strategy. 
  • Make your study plan and stick to it, track your progress and solve test papers to test your knowledge. Also remember modifying your study routine in your daily life is okay if the old one is not giving you the desired results.

CAT Preparation: How much Time is Required for CAT Preparation?

The time to prepare for the CAT Exam depends on you. It depends on how well you can grasp the concepts, so there is no fixed time to crack CAT if you start from scratch. Two to three months is enough to finish the basics of three sections if you are starting from scratch. On an average, dedicated CAT preparation takes 6-7 months. Try to spend 2 hours on weekdays and 6-8 hours on weekends if possible.

Time required for CAT VARC:

Candidates can cover VARC concepts in one and a half months. This section focuses primarily on reading comprehension. Developing a structured way of thinking begins with understanding the critical aspects of passages. 

Time required for CAT DILR: 

The fundamental concepts can be learned in 1-2 months, depending on how strong or weak one is in the section. The aspirants should spend at least 1-2 hours daily covering the DI/LR sections. 

L.R. Topics 

No of Days 

Arrangements (Linear, Circular, etc.) 


Puzzles (Einstein Puzzles, constraint-based, etc.) 


Networks, LR-based on picking coins 


Games and tournaments, Scheduling, Cubes 


Blood relations, truth-liar concept, family tree 


Others (2-D space, LRs)


DI Topics 

No.of Days 

Line charts, bar graphs, pie charts, unconventional charts (Bubble charts, radar charts, etc.) 




Venn Diagram 


Others (Di-based on growth over the years, case lets, data sufficiency, etc.) 


Time required for CAT QA 

When starting from scratch, it will take at least 2-3 months to cover all the fundamental concepts in Quant thoroughly. It is important to practice regularly and know the critical formulas. Make sure you know the application for each. 

Below are the following quant topics: 


    Number of Days 

Number Systems 


Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Alligation, Averages, Profit, Loss and Discount, Simple Interest and Compound Interest 


Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Time 


Inequalities, Linear Equations and Quadratic Equations 


Functions, Logarithms 


Surds and Indices, Progressions and Series 


Mensuration and Geometry 


Basic Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry 


Probability, Set Theory and Permutations and Combinations 




CAT Preparation: Best Books for CAT Exam

The CAT exam preparation should include a comprehensive study plan, relevant books and study materials, a workable schedule, and mock tests. Below are the CAT exam preparation books with a well-planned strategy and the best books for the CAT exam.


Book Category

Book Name

Best CAT books for Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT by Nishit K Sinha


How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT by Arun Sharma

How to prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma

Best Books for CAT Quantitative Aptitude


Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma

Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Varma

Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Aggarwal

Best books for CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension by Ajay Singh

CAT Preparation Tips for Beginners

First timers for CAT 2024 should prepare strategically. To get into IIMs, first time CAT 2024 aspirants need to know how to start preparing and score 99+ percentile.

Here are some tips to follow and prepare for CAT 2024:

  1. Make a study plan based on how many chapters you can complete. As part of your preparation, also solve last year’s CAT question paper to understand the type of questions.
  2. Read news articles daily and note all important events in your diary. Revise in your free time and stay updated, as it is a must for the IIM interview round.
  3. Candidates should know the latest CAT exam pattern and syllabus to make a study plan. Note the sectional weightage and marks distribution for CAT and divide your time equally among all the chapters. Also knowing the paper pattern will help you understand the marking scheme.
  4. There is sectional timing in the CAT exam. Aspirants will have to complete every section in 40 minutes, there will be no extra time for them. So their priority should be to improve their time management.

CAT Preparation: Exam Tips for Working Professionals

It’s tough for working professionals to balance work and CAT preparation. The right strategy can help you crack CAT even with long working hours and late night studies.

Here’s how one can balance work and studies while preparing for CAT:

  1. Working professionals will find it difficult to prepare for CAT or attend coaching classes regularly. Night classes and online CAT coaching are therefore more convenient.
  2. Organize your study plan in manageable chunks to start your CAT preparation systematically. A routine will help you track your progress and cover the syllabus quickly.
  3. Since you work most of the day, the time at hand is limited. So you need to divide your time according to the urgency of each task. Spend more time on the areas that need improvement the most.
  4. As a working professional you will have most of the time to prepare for CAT during holidays and weekends. Take up more intensive topics on these days to make up for the missed study sessions.
  5. Peer groups can be helpful in clarifying doubts, motivating and tracking progress. CAT aspirants can discuss and share ideas here.

CAT Preparation: Mistakes to avoid while CAT Preparation

Answering the questions from the chapters where you are clear is a cakewalk. To score well in the test you need to prepare well for the chapters where you don’t have clear long term goals. Make sure you spend time on the chapters you are struggling with.

Candidates should start preparing as soon as possible and before the exam date. If dedicated and focused, CAT VARC can be prepared in 2-3 months. For CAT QA you need to improve your mental calculation skills.

Know your strengths and weaknesses: Prepare for the chapters where you don’t have clear long term goals. Spend time on the chapters you are struggling with.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CAT Exam?

The CAT (Common Admission Test) is a national-level entrance exam conducted by the IIMs on a rotational basis for admission to MBA programs and other management courses in India.

Can I start CAT preparation on my own?

Yes, you can start CAT preparation by referring to the mentors & best books.

Is the CAT exam very tough?

The competition level of the CAT exam is high, however with hard work & dedication, one can crack the CAT exam on the first attempt.

Who is eligible to take the CAT Exam?

Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA. There is no age limit to appear for the CAT exam.

What is the format of the CAT Exam?

The CAT Exam is a computer-based test (CBT) consisting of three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Aptitude (QA). The total duration is 120 minutes.

What is the marking scheme for the CAT Exam?

Each correct answer awards 3 points, and each incorrect answer deducts 1 point. There is no negative marking for non-MCQ questions.

When should I start preparing for the CAT Exam?

It is recommended to start preparing at least 6 to 9 months in advance. Self-study preparation should ideally begin around March.

Is it necessary to join a coaching institute for CAT preparation?

Joining a coaching institute is not mandatory but can be helpful. It provides structured study material, mock tests, and guidance from experienced mentors.

What are the common mistakes to avoid while preparing for the CAT Exam?

Avoid neglecting weaker sections, starting preparation too late, relying on too many study materials, and not practicing enough mock tests.

How do I stay updated on the CAT Exam pattern and syllabus?

Regularly check the official CAT website for updates, and follow credible education portals and forums for the latest information.

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